ACENDIS, meeting medical equipment of 300 million Euro in the more projects than 200 including big hospital chain in Turkey, realized the Turkey launch of German producer Heinen+Löwenstein’s newborn and mature intensive care devices in Istanbul Point Hotel Barbaros. Opening speech has been done by ACENDIS General Manager Gürkan Köroğlu. Turkish enterprise ACENDIS, found in Germany and working to be the world brand, launched newborn and mature intensive care devices of German producer Heinen+Löwenstein, ACENDIS represents, in Istanbul on 19th of December. At the activity where the doctors and neonatologists who are responsible for newborn intensive care units and the biomedical managers of the private and university hospitals attended, Jörg Marschinke, the product manager Heinen+Löwenstein, gave detailed information about the new devices and Dr. Stefan Bornschein mentioned special applications for the nowborns. At the launch Associate Professor Merih Çetinkaya from Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Training and Research Hospital gave information about Noninvasice Ventilation, Associate Professor Aslı Memişoğlu from Marmara University shared her experiments about Leoni Plus HFO. At the launch, Leoni Plus HFO, having CLAC (Closed Loop Authomatic Oxygen Control) feature, making oxygen control automatically for newborn babies, and also Elisa 800 VIT centilator device, monitoring lung functions of the patients in the intensive care. have been introduced.